Friday 11 June 2010

Friday 12 June 2010

Woman at work liked flowers but not vegetables so wasn't much use (will remember this if another one of these things happens again where you have to look after a flower though). Ralph still looks a bit dry so water and turn him again.
Realise why Ralph is dry later on when taking the washing that as drying on the radiator under the window-sill that Ralph is on. I can myself an idiot and turn down radiator. (Ralph looks ok though).
Still think ther must be more to it than this though. I check my book "How to do just about everything" to see if it has a section on radishes. It goes straight from "Radio: How to improve FM reception" to "Raft: How to paddle" with no radish bit.
This makes me think:
1) Ask Hugh tomorrow if I should be doing something more than I am.
2) Write to Ted Smart Books and ask them to include a section on radishes in their next book on how to do everything.

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